Top 10k strings from Time Traveller (1983)(Sulis Software).tzx
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7 clearlines 5 x$=a$(age): 5 nooflines,21 4 ROUTINE 3 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE " 2 score=score+s(i): 2 oldl,oldc;" " 2 nooflines,24 2 nooflines,18 2 m(x)=m(y): 2 clearlines: 2 ;m(i);". ";x$;".": 2 ;"WRONG ANSWER": 2 ;"RIGHT ANSWER": 2 ;" points." 2 ;" TIME TRAVELLER IS NOW LOADING:": 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ": 2 ;" ": 2 ;" ";" ";" " 2 "without the publishers' priorconsent and without a similarcondition including thiscondition being imposed on thesubsequent purchaser." 2 " Please wait." 1 y$=x$(newm) 1 y$="$page" 1 y$="$nowait" 1 x$="You survived for" 1 x$="You finished the maze in" 1 x$=" into the twentieth century." 1 x$=" into the next age." 1 tunnel=killed+18 1 time=time/50 1 t t 1 score=score+bonus: 1 score=score+bonus 1 score=points: 1 score<90000 1 s(age)=score: 1 points=points-1000 1 points=5000 1 oldl=newl: 1 oldc=newc: 1 nooflines=killed+3 1 newl,newc; 1 newl,newc,newm 1 killed=24524 1 jpreset=23765 1 jpmainstart=65528 1 jpmainstart 1 high/low high/low 1 h(i)=score: 1 h(i)=90000 1 h(i)<100000 1 h$(i)=" ": 1 currentage=24176 1 currentage,age 1 clearlines=killed+4 1 bonus=bonus-1000 1 bonus=5000 1 bonus=3000 1 ^#V#~2qc"oc*mc 1 Tim 1 TT < 1 STRING LABEL CHOPPING 1 ROMAN AGE TUNE 1 ROMAN AGE QUESTIONS 1 QUESTION ROUTINE 1 PLAYS TUNES 1 OH DEAR! WHAT CAN THE 1 NEWSREEL BIT 1 N#F#s#r#:qcw# 1 MULTIPLE CHOICE ROUTINE 1 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 MAZE CALLING ROUTINE 1 K-]q#p#^#V# 1 JUST BEFORE THE 20th 1 INITIALISATION ROUTINE 1 GO BACK TO A PREVIOUS 1 GET A CHARACTER FROM 1 FAILURE TUNE 1 Colonel Bogey 1 CALCULATE SCORE FOR 1 BRONZE AGE TUNE 1 BRONZE AGE QUESTIONS 1 BRONZE AGE ROMAN AGE 11th CENTURY16th CENTURY19th CENTURY 1 BEFORE TUNNEL TUNE 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 ?TT 1 <rfNfrfNfrfNf< 1 ;score;"." 1 ;"______________" 1 ;"You will now be transported through the time tunnel and" 1 ;"You have scored "; 1 ;"You are about to leave the": 1 ;"Would you like to start anotherjourney ( yes or no ) ?" 1 ;"WELCOME TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY" 1 ;"WARNING" 1 ;"UP TIME GATE" 1 ;"TIME TRAVELLER"; 1 ;"TIME TRAVELLER" 1 ;"SULIS SOFTWARE PRESENT" 1 ;"QUESTION ";q;" FOR ";bonus;" POINTS." 1 ;"Press any key to continue.";: 1 ;"Please answer yes or no.": 1 ;"HIGH SCORE HALL OF FAME" 1 ;"Enter your answer (1 to 5).": 1 ;"Enter your answer (1 to 3).": 1 ;" You are about to enter the": 1 ;" GATEWAY QUESTION ";points;" POINTS." 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE " 1 ;" AGE YOUR SCORE" 1 ;" YOUR MAN" 1 ;" " 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" 1 :::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 ::::::::::99:99:99:99:::::::::::::::::::::99:99:99:99::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99::::::99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 20th CENTURY 1 19th CENTURY QUESTIONS 1 19th CENTURY 1 16th CENTURY TUNE 1 16th CENTURY QUESTIONS 1 11th CENTURY TUNE 1 11th CENTURY QUESTIONS 1 ,"was divorced","was beheaded","survived" 1 ,"tribes","places","types of soldier" 1 ,"they are straight","they are found everywhere","they all go to London" 1 ,"the potato","the pea","the cabbage" 1 ,"the Wessex culture","the Sussex culture","the Cornish culture" 1 ,"the Tyne to the Solway","the Thames to the Severn","the Clyde to the Forth" 1 ,"the Iceni","the Brigantes","the Ordovices" 1 ,"the Great Western Railway","the London and North Eastern Railway","the Midland Railway" 1 ,"the Great Exhibition","Prince Albert","housing rare plants" 1 ,"the Domesday Book","the Bayeux Tapestry","the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" 1 ,"the Crimean War","the Boer War","the Indian Mutiny" 1 ,"the Beaker people","the Jutes","the Celts" 1 ,"rounded","pointed","ogee (donkey-backed)" 1 ,"ploughs","hoes","spades" 1 ,"people could make bronze","people wore bronze jewellery","bronze was their only metal" 1 ,"never married","married once","married twice" 1 ,"hunting","archery","falconry" 1 ,"followers of Wyclif","a religious order","a London guild" 1 ,"could belong to them","belonged to their husbands","belonged to their fathers" 1 ,"copper and tin","copper and stone","copper and iron" 1 ,"between 1 million and 1.5 million","over 2 million","less than half a million" 1 ,"a Conservative","a Whig","a Liberal" 1 ,"Wolsey","Cranmer","Cromwell" 1 ,"Wales","Scotland","France" 1 ,"Stonehenge","Maiden Castle","Cadbury Hill" 1 ,"Stone Age","Iron Age","Dark Ages" 1 ,"Spain","France","Germany" 1 ,"Royal","Egg","Pickle" 1 ,"Normandy","Brittany","Denmark" 1 ,"Low Church","High Church","Catholic" 1 ,"Julius Caesar","Caligula","Claudius" 1 ,"Ireland","France","Greece" 1 ,"Henry VIII","Henry VII","Mary I" 1 ,"Henry VII","Richard III","Henry VIII" 1 ,"Gladstone","Lord Salisbury","Disraeli" 1 ,"French","English","Latin" 1 ,"Francis Drake","Walter Raleigh","John Hawkins" 1 ,"Eboracum","Verulamium","Aquae Sulis" 1 ,"Cornwall","Wessex","Scotland" 1 ,"Cluniac","Franciscan","Cistercian" 1 ,"Celts","Gauls","Anglo-Saxons" 1 ,"British","Roman","Saxon" 1 ,"Africa","India","Turkey" 1 ,"55 BC","55 AD","43 BC" 1 ,"406 AD","43 AD","453 AD" 1 ,"2000 BC - 500 BC","5000 BC - 2000 BC","500 BC - 500 AD" 1 ,"1846","1867","1895" 1 ,"1837 - 1901","1819 - 1901","1837 - 1899" 1 ,"1066","1166","1086" 1 ,"1066","1065","1064" 1 *(x=m(age))+4 1 )+" minutes "+ 1 ))+" seconds." 1 '<?'??????? 1 "you can!","$nowait" 1 "you can move forward to the next","age.","$page" 1 "you can hear wolves in the","distance.","" 1 "within the fort to reach the","south gate, which is also the" 1 "whether by individuals, groupsor institutions includingeducational institutions withoutthe prior permission of the" 1 "through the trees to find the","clearing and the Time Gate.","$nowait" 1 "this, you have to travel through","five periods:","" 1 "the Time Gate?","$nowait" 1 "pursuit, and make your way","through the Time Gate. Then you" 1 "publishers. It is sold subjectto the condition that it shallnot, by way of trade orotherwise, be lent or hired out" 1 "machine, trying to get back to","the twentieth century. To do" 1 "into the age or ages of your","choice and improve your score." 1 "have to answer specific","questions about that age before" 1 "duke's palace. Some courtiers","are after you, with slim daggers" 1 "don't reach this score on the","first journey, you must go back" 1 "creatures have sharp eyes and","can see better in the dark than" 1 "behind the altar in the","cathedral. Now the priests are" 1 "and phials of poison. Can you","find your way through the doors" 1 "and germs to make your way to","the main drain and the Time" 1 "and staircases to reach the","great staircase and go through" 1 "after you, and you have to reach","the west door where the Time" 1 "about that age. Once you have","done that, you have to escape" 1 "________________________________" 1 "You must go back in time toincrease your score." 1 "You have reached the end of yourjourney with a score of "; 1 "You have landed in a Roman fort","in the North of England in" 1 "You are travelling in a time" 1 "You have to make your way","through the different buildings" 1 "William the Conqueror came from" 1 "Who was a cardinal ?" 1 "Which of these words is Norman in origin ?" 1 "Well done, this is a new highscore." 1 "WELL DONE!" 1 "Victoria was Queen" 1 "Unfortunately people in the 20thcentury are very fussy; theyrefuse to let you in unless youscore at least 90000 points." 1 "Unfortunately this breaks norecords.": 1 "Tin was mined in" 1 "Time Gate, and your way through","to the next age.","$nowait" 1 "This software is copyright andmust not be copied or reproducedin any form or by any means" 1 "They are chasing you through the","forest, and you have to run" 1 "The principal culture of the Bronze Age is known as" 1 "The most important monastic order in the 11th century was the" 1 "The most famous people of the Bronze Age were" 1 "The main monument of the Bronze Age in England is" 1 "The inhabitants of Britain when the Romans came were" 1 "The first Tudor king was" 1 "The first Romans were led by" 1 "The favourite sport of Norman nobles was" 1 "The court language in England under the Normans was" 1 "The captain who sailed round the world in the Golden Hind was" 1 "The Tudor family came from" 1 "The Romans withdrew from Britain in" 1 "The Romans first landed in Britain in" 1 "The Roman name for York was" 1 "The Reformation took place in the reign of" 1 "The Lollards were" 1 "The Crystal Palace was built in 1851 for" 1 "The Corn Laws were repealed in" 1 "The Bronze Age","Roman Britain","The eleventh century","The sixteenth century","The nineteenth century.","$page" 1 "The Bronze Age was" 1 "The Bronze Age was so called because" 1 "The Bronze Age comes after the" 1 "The Brigantes, Ordovices, Catuvellauni and Iceni were" 1 "The Boer War took place in" 1 "The Battle of Hastings was fought in" 1 "The Armada in 1588 came from" 1 "The year is 1559. You are","trapped on the ground floor of a" 1 "The year is 1163. You have","landed in a city, and hidden" 1 "Roman roads are famous because" 1 "Queen Elizabeth I was" 1 "Queen Catherine of Aragon" 1 "Plough","Roads","Philosophy","Voyages","Railways" 1 "Please enter your name (up toten characters).": 1 "Norman church arches were" 1 "Lost in a sewer in 1870, you are","fleeing from rats, giant spiders" 1 "It is 1529 BC. You are lost in a","thick forest and as night falls" 1 "In the Bronze Age, farmers tilled the land with" 1 "In order to enter an age, you","must answer a 'gateway' question" 1 "In 1100, the population of England was" 1 "In 1086, William had information about England recorded in" 1 "Huts","Villas","Timber houses","Brick houses","Terrace houses" 1 "Home rule for Ireland was considered right by" 1 "Harold became king of England in" 1 "Hadrian's Wall ran from" 1 "HARD LUCK!" 1 "Gate. Spiders' webs and piles of","rubble block your way, and those" 1 "Gate is, and make your escape","before they catch you.","$nowait" 1 "Fur","Toga","Habit","Hose","Frock coat" 1 "Florence Nightingale nursed soldiers during" 1 "Evangelicals were" 1 "Disraeli was" 1 "Copper was imported from" 1 "Choose an age (1 to 5) :" 1 "Caractacus was" 1 "Brunel was associated with" 1 "Bronze is made of" 1 "Boudicca, also known as Boadicea, was Queen of" 1 "Beaker people","Legionaries","Monks","Courtiers","Industrialists" 1 "Barter","Dinarius","Silver penny","Shilling","Florin" 1 "Barrow","Fort","Castle","Palace","Factory" 1 "BRONZE AGE","ROMAN AGE","11th CENTURY","16th CENTURY","19th CENTURY" 1 "As you continue on your journey,","you score points. You need" 1 "After 1882, married women's property" 1 "AD 162. Sentries guard the gates","while legionaries pursue you." 1 "A popular vegetable introduced into England in Elizabethan times was" 1 "90,000 points to get back to the","twentieth century, so if you" 1 "5. the nineteenth century." 1 "4. the sixteenth century": 1 "3. the eleventh century": 1 "2. Roman Britain": 1 "1. the Bronze Age": 1 "","Bon voyage!","$end" 1 " to escape." 1 " three questions." 1 " man and evade your pursuers.": 1 " following keys to move your": 1 " Your total score is "; 1 " Your score for this age is": 1 " You must reach the TIME GATE": 1 " You have scored "; 1 " Which of the following do you associate with this time ?" 1 " Welcome to the ";: 1 " Press any key when you feel able to make the trip." 1 " PRESS 2 KEYS TO MOVE DIAGONALLY" 1 " Before you can leave the": 1 " ";x$;"." 1 " ";x$;" you must answer": 1 " ";x$;" maze. Use the": 1 " ";h$(i);" ";: 1 " "; 1 SULIS SOFTWARE Ltd 1983" 1 START UP ROUTINE 1 MOVE MAN ROUTINE 1 END OF AGE ROUTINE 1 0 minutes 13.7 seconds.X 1 TEXT OUTPUTTING 1 ENTER HIGH SCORE 1 CENTURY ROUTINE 1 TUNNEL CALLING 1 THE KEYBOARD 1 MAZE SCENARIO 1 GATEWAY QUESTION 1 SET THE STAGE 1 AGE ROUTINE 1 ROUTINE 1 ROUTINE 1 ";